My 100th Post – an Illustrated Poem,”Time” – Some Plans and Changes…

*To illustrate this poem, I used the pencil (with my finger) in the “Art Set Pro” app, and paint and a bit of pencil, in the “Procreate” app. 

Well, here I am with my 100th WordPress post. Thank you to my fellow bloggers, and facebook folk, for your “follows” and “likes” – much appreciated! It’s been an enjoyable experience so far. I hope to share more of my art and words, in this online world – at least, that’s my plan at the moment. As per the title of my poem, “Time”, this is the tricky part, finding the time, losing time… it can slip by way too fast….

Some of you may have noticed, I’ve been scarce about WordPress for the past month or so. I did leave notes on my blog about this…

While away, I was busy (and busy with everyday things…) putting together some art prints and some art cards…for a community open day event. There were various types of creative work on display. I had my iPad attached to a big screen TV, so people could easily see what I was up to. Good fun, and quite a few people stopped to ask questions, and to comment – positive comments, which I don’t always get when I mention to someone I draw and paint on the iPad.

It was a help that they could really see what I was doing; and I also made it just about mandatory for them to touch the screen, and have a go. Which often led to an “Oh…amazing!”, and that they didn’t think it would “feel” that way – or something along those lines…Didn’t think to take photos to share of the event! *Hope to give a workshop or two on iPad art, locally, next year.


My pencils, and brushes are jumping for joy as I begin to do more art with my traditional media. As in a poem I wrote a while back, I said, I’d visit them again. I always intended to share both my iPad and traditional art here… but the former has often been the case.

I suppose it’s that I’m not one to do things by half measures, and I’ve spent the past few years almost exclusively drawing and painting on my iPad – extensively experimenting with iPad art, and with printing it. A wonderful, rewarding time. I’ve been delighted by all of the processes, and by many of the end results.

Even though I’ll spend more time with my: watercolours, pencils, paints… on paper and canvas again, it’s not a “one” or the “other” situation. It’s the opportunity to use both art app, and traditional media – sometimes within the one artwork. I’m thankful to have such a variety of media to choose from, yet, as I’ve said in other posts, a lot can be accomplished with just pencil and paper.

Often I work fairly quickly – which is handy, and vital when the kids were little! Working on the iPad, also speeds things along…another reason I enjoy it so much. Recently, I feel the need to slow down a bit, and consider more carefully, along with what media I want to use: the themes, mood and subject matter…of my artwork (and poetry writing.) I pray about these things (all things) as without God, “nothing” for me is sufficient in itself, or possible in my life.

To help create more time for this, I plan to post here monthly… unless time allows for twice a month. Did I say about writing shorter posts, hmm, said that before, doesn’t always happen. 🙂

With all the reshuffling of when and where I post, the next (hopefully) hundred WordPress posts could take a long time! I still have more illustrated haiku from my handmade book to share, and want to continue with my series of flower pics… I was glad to get my “Time”, poem illustrated to share here, though, time to illustrate the many waiting in my filing cabinet ...could be a slow process, not to worry.

If I have time, I’m also keen to learn about, “html” and “css”, what little I know, I find fascinating. I really enjoy the whole process of putting together a blog: of rearranging widgets, and changing headers, and all the rest… especially doing it all on my iPad – not keen on computers. Even when occasionally I find this a bit challenging; it’s good fun trying to work it all out.

If you have waded through this wordy post, when “time” to do so could be difficult, thank you – and hope some of what I share is a help in your own creative journey.

Till next time, all the best with whatever is happening in your life and art. 🙂

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