A Face Painted on My iPad

* I prefer to draw and paint with my finger on the screen, rather than a stylus, or iPad pencil.

16 thoughts on “A Face Painted on My iPad

    1. Thank you Paul. 🙂 Colours can say a lot; still learning lots about it. For many years I used mostly graphite pencil, black ink pens…in my art school days they said, try leaving the black paint alone for a while! 🙂 Really helped me actually. Still love black and white tonal work.
      It’s great how easy it is to splash around colour on my iPad! ~ Janette. 🙂

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    1. Thanks Eleanor. 🙂 No it it isn’t the previous one, however the “faces” I do (and have drawn since childhood) tend to look rather similar. Sort of a “vehicle” to express myself with – funny way to put it, though! 🙂 I do draw portraits sometimes, but haven’t for a while. Hope you have a lovely creative day. ~ Janette. 🙂

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    1. Thank you Ompong!
      It does seem, most people prefer a stylus, and in a way that makes sense – a bit like holding a pencil I suppose..so not to worry. For me as, long as the line and colours flow well, I’m happy. I tend to draw fairly quickly and both times I tried a stylus, there was too much lag! I may try another one at some stage, however I do enjoy drawing and painting with my finger. 🙂 All the best, Janette.

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    1. Hi Barb, I think whatever suits someone is good. I’ve tried a stylus or two, and perhaps because I draw fairly quickly, there was just too much lag time! Yuk!
      I like to mention that I use my finger, as some people may not realise it’s a viable option..probably partly due to all the add hype about a stylus being a “must have”! Though I suppose holding on to something like a pencil is something we are all used to and could work well. May try a stylus again some time, though I don’t reckon it’ll make any difference to how my art turns out. Anyway, scooting around the screen with my finger is lots of fun. 🙂 Hmm, enough written here for a blog post! Perhaps I’ll do one on this area sometime.
      I’m hoping to find time to do some arty stuff today…sun’s shining (it’s winter here in Australia) may do a bit of gardening as well. Enjoy your weekend. Cheerio, Janette.


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